(New Bavarian Dance)
pairs in circle facing ballroom direction, hands joined, arms hanging
step-close-step, stamping, clapping and waltz
Bar 1: Beginning with outside feet both partners dance forward with a step-close-step swaying arms forward and looking slightly away from each other.
Bar 2: Same with inside feet swaying arms backward and looking at each other
Bar 3 - 4: On 1st beat one step forward and stop; swaying arms less forward . On 3rd beat both stamp with inside feet and on 1st beat of bar 4 with outside feet. On 3rd beat arms are swung back and weight put on inside feet .
Bar 5 – 8: Same as 1 – 4, but instead of stamping clap hands twice
Bar 9 –12: Joined arms lifted above heads, the dancer twirls his partner cw in front and to the right of him while he continues walking forward with step-close-steps. At the end of bar 12 the girl has done two and a half revolutions and does not yet face ballroom direction.
Bar 13: Lowering arms again and swaying them forward in one flow, the dancer gets with the 1st step-close-step beside his partner and sways arms forward whereas his partner is turned into ballroom direction.
Bar 14-20: As 2 – 8
Bar 21-36: Waltzing with smoothly tread waltz steps, usually closed dance hold, ballroom hold is accepted.
Usually three times repeated from the beginning.
Be careful about the music. There exists a version with only 32 bars where bar 17 – 20 is omitted. In that case you must omit the 2nd clapping.
- R. Zoder, Österr.Volkstänze, 1.Teil, Nr.1
- Translated by Sissy Banner, Amstetten, NÖ., Austria
- Here is a MP3 from Dancilla.