Texas Progressive Threesome

Aus Dancilla Wiki
Version vom 23. Juni 2024, 12:58 Uhr von Franz Fuchs (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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3 behind 3, each man with 2 partners, ballroom direction round the room; each man takes his partners’ outside hands, girls joining inside hands behind him.


All start left foot, Step-close-step (1 bar).

Right foot, Step-close-step (1 bar)

4 walking steps (2 bar)

Left heel, left toe, left-right-left, - here the girls drop the inside hands and let the man turn them to face him. (2 bar)

Right heel, right toe, right-left-right, - here the man moves forward, gently propelling the girls towards the man behind him. (2 bar)

From the beginning with new partners.



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